Ernest Hemingway once said that writing is easy, you simply go to your typewriter and bleed.
Most of the time, for me, it doesn't feel like bleeding, it feels more like trying to get a splinter out.
If you enjoy writing or detest it, I hope you enjoy this brief comical video sketch.
Last time on Instead of Writing, we talked about the Bare-bones Sketch Challenge. To illustrate the type of sketch I was talking about, I present Uncle Kevin and the Garage Sale Bike.
Here's how it breaks down:
2 characters: Kevin (laid back) and Kenny (uptight)
One setting: A parked car
Objective: Provide five-year-old Joey with…
Don't overcomplicate your comedy writing. On this episode of Instead of Writing, I'm trying to strip away all of the crutches and force you to have two characters hash it out.
All writers have big ideas. I've just seen too many writers starting out in comedy allow those big ideas to block their progress toward…