I can't tell you what time I woke, but it was dark and reality was fuzzy. I had just been somewhere else when my eyes cracked and the dream cracked with it.
You're never far because we refuse to disagree on the value of a top sheet. One reach away and nothing between us.
Autumn has come a month too early.
When I was flying down the road
and a cool breeze slid from its hiding place
to tug at the sides of my shirt,
I could not ignore it.
It was the face of a friend and mentor
rapping my knuckles
to prepare me for its lesson,
as if to say, it's time to put away…
when I sit alone at lunch
many seats comfortably away
from the nearest stranger,
it hits me.
It crushes me.
The nervous anxiety of
a studying student
slowly eating their bowl of ramen.
The giddy, awkward dance
of young love exhibited
by two fearful hopefuls
both freshly showered.
The dutiful expression of industry
on the misfigured face
of a janitor,
a detail that means nothing,
and everything,
doing her job invisibly
among the…